
Working as an artist and an organizer pulls on different sides of my professional experience, but most heavily on my creative and community engagement skills. I’ve worked in classrooms, cafés, public parks, print studios, museums, galleries, national forests, and more. I have degrees in fine art, social work, and environmental studies. I’m interested in art’s activist history and the ways that creativity, social movements, oral histories, ethnography, and public space can intersect to do some good.

  • I’m passionate about projects that bring art and community together in meaningful, participatory ways.

  • I’m skilled at making visuals that move people to learn and take action.

  • I also enjoy working on commissions for friends and collaborators for their living and work spaces.

  • Want to get in touch? Send me a message at

Salamander Stink and the Haunted Handshake (LaBonte Park | Laramie, WY | 2020)

In 2020 I worked with Laramie Public Art Coalition and a group of four local nonprofits to design and complete a community-responsive mural in LaBonte Park. The mural covers the skatepark’s full-pipe and includes imagery taken from Laramie’s collective memory of the area. Ideas for images were gathered through story collection in an online form and series of outdoor listening sessions, while draft designs received critiques from the four nonprofits. In this way the mural was rooted in a community-centered creative process which moved from learning and listening, to drafting and revising, to installing and completing. The project culminated with an outdoor celebration that fall.

Making public art through storytelling, collaboration, and community

Nightcrawler (Nicolaysen Art Museum | Casper, WY | 2022)

Advocacy and Design

My work is often in collaboration with organizations whose efforts and values align with my own. I enjoy using art, photo, design, installation, and other visuals to advance social and environmental justice based causes and I’m skilled at creating infographics, logos, handbills, posters, photos, banners, murals, and more. Advocacy through design work is where my passions get to overlap.

MLK Days of Dialogue

The Martin Luther King Jr. Days of Dialogue is an annual week of programming at the University of Wyoming celebrating the impact of Dr. King’s life and ideals. The tradition is intended to expand awareness about issues of diversity and social justice, while fostering an inclusive community and empowering individuals to act in solidarity with marginalized communities.

One of my roles at MLK DOD involved designing digital and printed materials for the week of programming. This work was directed by the University of Wyoming’s Black Student Alliance and other members of the greater MLK DOD planning committee. Through a collaborative series of discussions and critiques I generated a collection of posters, banners, handbills, digital displays, and online content for that year’s theme, Afrofuturism in a Rural Context.

Wyoming’s conservation community

Working as a conservation organizer has gained me some valuable experience around messaging and community engagement, while adding to my artist-organizer skill set. My work focuses on connecting community members with local organizations, decision-makers, resources, and information related to climate, energy, and environmental policy - work that involves organizing events, distilling or translating information, and designing materials that help get the word out.

Clients + Collaborators

Have a project in mind? Reach out and we’ll talk!

Laramie Public Art Coalition | Social Justice Research Center | Friends of the Laramie Skatepark | Feeding Laramie Valley | Laramie Alliance for Renewable Energy | Wyoming Arts Alliance | Wyoming Wildlife Association | Wyoming Harm Reduction Collective | & more

